User Accounts in OnsiteSupport

In this article, we'll go into some details about the types of user accounts that can be created in OnsiteSupport.

One of the parameters you can differentiate all users in your system is the user state.

There are 4 default states users can belong to:

  • Active - registered users in your system. There are two ways to create an active user account:
    • Add a new contact directly from the agent interface;
    • Fill out the registration form in the help center without setting the password - the system will set it automatically and activate the newly registered user account.
  • Not Activated - here are the cases when not activated account is created:
    • An unregistered user submitted a ticket, shared idea in the community or started a chat conversation by entering just email;
    • A user sets the password while filling out the contact form but didn't confirm activation from registration email;
    • Users were imported into the system via CSV file.

Administrators and agents with "Manage People" permission can activate the user account manually in the user profile under Options » Activate or in the user list by clicking Activate option next to the user's name. Users should receive a registration email with access credentials into the help center.

  • Without Login - includes all not activated user accounts and those active users who never entered their login credentials in OnsiteSupport;
  • Banned - users that lost access to the community mostly because of publishing inappropriate content in it, they cannot sign in the system and send requests. There is permanent and temporary ban for set number of days. 
  • Trashed - once user is in trash, all his objects will be also moved to trash. With that state, user can't enter system.

You can ban a user in his profile in the agent interface, in the user list or forbid his access while declining topic or comment on moderation. If you ban a user by mistake or temporarily for some reason, there is an option to recover his access into the system.

  • Online/Away (not state) - indicator only for support agents based on business hours set up in the system. It's efficient when you configure triggers for automatic assignments.

OnsiteSupport provides an easy way to view all user states and build custom segments based on them. On Users page filter customers by states in filter section at the top right or build custom segment on the go with state column.

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