5.1.5 Version

New Features

  • Business Hours: daylight saving time support;
  • Notification Center: system notifications are grouped by object id in the agent interface;
  • Live Chat: chat operators can see what customers are typing;
  • Live Chat: now agents can edit and delete their messages in chat conversations.


  • Task Management: added search field in the list of agents who can be assigned on a task;
  • Voting: if Anonymous Votes are disabled in the system settings, agents cannot add new votes on guest's behalf;
  • Reports Management: we've combined two conditions (Task: Responsible and Object: Responsible) into a single one.

Bug Fixes

  • Users without access to a forum due to role permissions still had access to it (Enterprise package);
  • Fixed issues when banned users could keep writing in chat conversations;
  • Fixed issue while topics merging and converting them into tickets in a basic self-hosted package;
  • Fixed issue when the agent could delete admin account in the system;
  • Fixed issue when tickets couldn't be resolved from spam;
  • There was no scroll bar on the articles page in the agent interface when articles were grouped by category;
  • Fixed minor issue with email notifications on private notes where notes were not highlighted in red;
  • Fixed issue with subject in email notifications sent when ticket is forwarded;
  • Umlauts in agent's name were not displayed correctly in the list of agents who can be assigned to a task;
  • Fixed minor issue with custom date field when the value couldn't be emptied in it;
  • Fixed login issue with captcha enabled;
  • User requests couldn't be deleted along with user profile;
  • The agent who added a private note in a chat conversation was assigned to this chat automatically;
  • Agent without "Manage Reports" permission could create a new report for all agents in the team;
  • Mobile UI: every time the agent added a public message in a chat dialog, the first agent in the list was mentioned in it.

+ 15 more minor bug fixes and improvements.

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