3.4.1 Version

In this release, we've made significant changes in Chat. If you use our Live Chat solution, please replace widget with new code taken from admin area and change connection host in your IM client to chat.useresponse.com. On March 2016 we are going to deprecate Live Chat as UseResponse option.

New Features

  • Added Knowledge Base widget in Administration - Widgets;
  • Added 3 options to display embeddable widgets: Full Screen, Popup, Embedded, Widget;
  • Custom fields and properties management in Knowledge Base.


  • Performance: improved merging and converting objects;
  • Help Desk: now you can switch off notifications for users when ticket is completed;
  • Ticket Properties: now you can manage Similar topics box on full tickets page;
  • Live Chat: when widget is in offline mode, all messages would be converted into tickets;
  • Removed features topics widget from home screen;
  • Now users that were used only for sharing purposes could be found on users page;
  • Added change log in Knowledge Base;
  • Improved general search in knowledge base and topics.

Bug Fixes

  • Some types of files were not attached to tickets from email like doc and docx;
  • Fixed searching similar tags on tags submission;
  • Help Desk: when user replied in email using plain mode, replies were not converted correctly;
  • WYSIWYG: fixed XSS in spoiler;
  • Improved email notifications for tickets and topics.
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