3.2 Version

Major release that will work best on PHP 5.6 with xCache or OPcache

New Features

  • Custom fields and properties management of topics, tickets, users;
  • Ability to switch on/off assignments system wide;
  • Shared tickets: now tickets could be shared to other users with personal access keys;
  • Tagging: now tags are used not only for search but for additional categorization;
  • Canned responses: agents can organize the list of predefined answers to be used in comments.


  • Improved Mobile UI: added actions to manage users, tickets;
  • Performance: added server/client side caching, PHP 5.6 support with OPcache, optimization on topics list page;
  • Improved global search and finding similar topics;
  • Help Desk: updated email template to be used for both tickets and replies;
  • Help Desk: now emails are collected in email threads from initial request;
  • Added option to reopen ticket automatically on user reply;
  • User Statistics: added ticket information;
  • User Card: information on browser, IP, OS is updated also with SSO / LDAP login;
  • WYSIWYG: ability to add anchors in Knowledge Base and Announcements. Also combined icons in sets;
  • Ticket Rules: new action to set responsible for the ticket;
  • When subject for the ticket is empty - generate subject automatically;
  • Home Screen: setting to show/hide "Submit Ticket" option in Topics Filter widget - also used on New Topic page;
  • Improved Support center widget, but it's still in beta;
  • Customization: added theme.css to modify mobile theme;
  • Now all user sessions are stored in the database;
  • Improved UI: now side navigation and features are divided on boxes that are managed in Admin area;
  • Separate login page now has social login option when it's required;
  • Added API SDK;
  • Users: added additional filters by departments. Also user can't be added if it's used for incoming mail;
  • LDAP: extended ldap settings with automatic role assignment on specific criteria;
  • 40+ more small tweaks and enhancements.

Bug Fixes

  • Rebuilt storage of all settings, as sometimes changing specific setting in administration area didn't work;
  • Backups: if database was more than 50 mb in size, backup/restore caused an error;
  • Mobile UI: while adding new comment, screen was scrolled to the top;
  • Files upload: with huge file upload, after saving comment or topic, files could be lost;
  • Fixed several translations;
  • All email notifications were sent only in html format - added also plain text format;
  • Integrated Widget: if any type of the feedback was not active, widget still showed it as an option;
  • Moderation: setting didn't work correctly;
  • Parsing of email to comments and creating new tickets is now more accurate in formatting;
  • RSS didn't work on announcements;
  • Ticket rules: ignore options still created ticket;
  • Single Sign-On: OneLogin method didn't work correctly on closed communities;
  • Statistics: on home page and user profile comments number was calculated incorrectly;
  • Help Desk: fixed reply to comments option when reply was considered to be an new ticket instead of reply to current object;
  • User couldn't be deleted without installed SSO module;
  • Management of languages page froze in Firefox;
  • Help Desk: parsing emails was not correct if user sent email in non UTF8 encoding;
  • Favicon couldn't be uploaded if filename was favicon.ico;
  • 50+ more small fixes.
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