HubSpot Integration

HubSpot is a universal CRM tool that gives sales, marketing, and customer service teams one place to organize, track and nurture leads and customers.

Integration with HubSpot allows the support team to view HubSpot contact details, create new contacts and notes based on customers' requests right inside the OnsiteSupport agent interface.

To get it to work, you need to connect your HubSpot account with OnsiteSupport instance.

HubSpot Settings

To connect your HubSpot account, please enable HubSpot in Administration » Applications and click Settings to perform the following instructions:

  1. Enter Api Key that can be taken from Settings » Integrations » API key. Please refer to the article for more detail;
  2. Click Submit button or test the connection first.


After successful connection there will be available the following options:

  • Create HubSpot Contact - to create a new contact from OnsiteSupport requester account, click plus icon on ticket, topic or chat page and select HubSpot Contact from the options list and a new contact will be created on HubSpot side;
  • View Contact Details - to view contact details who was created from the OnsiteSupport instance, click HubSpot icon in the top right corner and contact information will be displayed at the right panel;
  • Creates Notes - new notes can be created from OnsiteSupport tickets and topics along with further discussions inside them. On the ticket/topic page choose Move to HubSpot under Options at the top right and a new note will be created under HubSpot contact. All further comments from the linked ticket/topic will be moved to HubSpot note automatically.
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