How to Setup Messengers in Live Chat

Providing support is getting more automated recently and OnsiteSupport makes it better to get your customers happier by providing various channels of live chat support.

This article will guide you on how to add bots and public accounts to provide support using the OnsiteSupport Live Chat solution in popular messengers.

First, you need to enable the required messengers in Administration » Applications. You can read more about Instagram Direct integration in separate article.

Setup of messengers will require some time, and our support team will assist you if you experience any problems

Facebook Messenger Setup

First of all, you need to create at least one public company page on your Facebook account. 

Once the page is created, in Administration » Support Channels click New » Facebook at the top right. Authorize with the account that is the administrator of your company's Facebook page. 

Once authorized, in the popup select that page and proceed. 

Now you would have the option for users on the frontend to choose Facebook Messenger as an option to write to your company support agents and once they reply in the OnsiteSupport backend, users would get replies in their Facebook accounts.

WeChat Messenger Setup

WeChat is one of the most powerful social messengers used by over a billion users. To add WeChat as a support channel in OnsiteSupport, you should have WeChat Official Account which can be created here by clicking on the Register button.

  1. In OnsiteSupport in Administration » Support Channels click New » WeChat at the top right:
    - Enter WeChat bot title;
    - Paste AppID and AppSecret from WeChat account;
    - Generate any random token on your own, save it for further usage;
    - Attach QR code image taken from WeChat account;
    - If you have several chat widget profiles, specify the ones WeChat will be used for;
    - Hit Submit and copy the displayed URL.
  2. In WeChat account settings insert copied URL and previously generated token, add the following IP address to the whitelist;
  3. Save the configuration details in the WeChat account;
  4. Get back to the OnsiteSupport administration area and click Submit in the pop-up.

Your WeChat account is successfully created in OnsiteSupport.

Telegram Setup

Telegram is the most promising messenger on the market. To add Telegram support you would need to create a bot first. 

  • Open your Telegram on mobile device or web version and find BotFather contact;
  • In the contact type /newbot and answer the questions about the name of the bot and bot slug;
  • Enter the slug that should end on the bot. For example, OnsiteSupportbot;
  • Take the provided token and add it in the popup window of OnsiteSupport while adding telegram as support channel in Administration » Support Channels.

Group Chats in Telegram

There is also a possibility to offer support in group chats in Telegram. In BotFather contact enter /mybots, choose your bot from the list -  Settings - AllowGroups set to Yes and Settings - GroupPrivacy turn off.  To contact the support team, your customers should add the bot account to their group and start the dialog. 

Note: Triggers on incoming chat messages and chatbot scenarios will be disabled in group chats.

Viber Setup

Viber channel provides access to the Viber account manager in order to create a bot that will work with OnsiteSupport. 

  • Go to Viber Bot Submitting page;
  • Create Viber Account Manager for your business phone and log in;
  • Create bot and enter all credentials about your company, upload company logo, etc;
  • Once you complete the Viber profile, take Auth Key and enter it in the OnsiteSupport popup where you are adding Viber in Administration » Support Channels.

VK (Vkontakte) Setup

VK is a Russian-based social network that allows customers to provide support in OnsiteSupport using a public VK page and embed it as a supported messenger.

  1. First of all, you need to create a public page for your account. Go to VK Groups and click Create Community. At the pop, please enter the official title and select it to be public page;
  2. On your public page click Manage Community (page settings) » Messages » Enable Messages » Save it;
  3. In OnsiteSupport add VK as a channel in Administration » Support Channels. In the popup, click the Connect VK page. Confirm permissions and click Submit and again it would ask you for permissions that you need to confirm.

Now you can use official VK messenger in your widget as an option.

Line Setup

To add Line messenger to support channels, you need to create a bot in the Line dev account. Please refer to the article Connect Line Messenger to OnsiteSupport to have detailed instructions about the integration.

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