Change Languages

OnsiteSupport has some predefined languages that are ready to use. But if you don't find the language of your country or need to rephrase specific sentences or words in your system, go to Administration » Languages.

Active language is marked as Default, but you can activate another one with the help of a checkbox.

If you don't find predefined language, create a new one (with RTL support is required), translate all keys using a built-in translation tool and activate it. To create a new one, please click on + New > New Language

You can also export all translations to XML format and update them anytime from your local copy. This would be useful when you don't want your copywriter or translator to get admin access into the system.

Built-in Translation Tool

With the help of this tool, you can easily and quickly change any wording in your system. All keys are in the English language, so it should be taken as a basis to translate the system.

If you stopped in the middle of the process or if new updates in translations are pushed live, use the following options to track your progress:

  • Outline phrases that don't have a translation;
  • Only show phrases that don't have a translation;
  • Only show phrases with my translations.

To restore the default key of the translated phrase, click the button with an arrow.

Custom Translations Storage

The self-hosted version of OnsiteSupport stores all custom languages and changes of translations in custom/localization/[lang] folder of installation on your server


All variables are marked as ":variable-name" with dynamic values formed by the system. Variables are not translated and could be either removed from custom translation, or shifted to another position in the sentence.

Example: The key is ":object-type is created". Where ":object-type" is variable with the following values: idea, problem, question. If you don't want the variable to be in the sentence, just make your translation - "Topic is created.", or shift the variable like just - "System created :object-type"

Translating Email Templates

All translations that are stored in email templates could be also renamed or translated in the Languages section. If you integrate custom phrases in custom email templates, please make sure they are on the language you are going to use in the system.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to us by sending an email at

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