Using a Custom Domain for Your Support Center

All our trials within the  Cloud Plan are created on domain. But your users want to see your URL in order to make their experience using your support center smooth. So you can point our domain to your own domain.

Update DNS Records

Please log in to your domain control panel, where the domain is registered. Each register has its own method of changing DNS, so please refer to the internal manual.

The first method would be adding just a CNAME record if you don't have specific fields for that provided by the domain control panel:


If you have built-in tools find DNS or Nameservers next to your domain and create a new DNS record of CNAME type. Point your custom URL (subdomain) to

Add Custom URL in OnsiteSupport

When the CNAME record is created in your domain management panel, please go to OnsiteSupport Administration » Applications » Community Portal and click the options icon to select Custom Domain in the list, type and save it.

It can take several hours for the changes to take effect. Once changes are made, you can enter your support center at

SSL Support

To use a secure connection on your custom URL, you need to  generate SSL certificate in Administration » Applications » Community Portal and click the options icon to select SSL Certificate in the list. Then click the SSL Certificate link or upload your own one. Otherwise, you can use http connection.

CloudFlare Settings

If you use CloudFlare to hide your identity, there are specific settings while setting up your DNS records. Go to your CloudFlare account and under DNS settings of your main domain add CNAME record and make sure that cloud icon is grey. That way only this CNAME record won't be used for hiding identity of your community portal.

You can feel safe as your other DNS records of main website would be protected by Cloudflare and only CNAME record would point to our servers. Protection of your support center remains on us.

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