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Onsite Improvements

Newly Submitted Mustafa A. 8 months ago

SLA within Helpdesk has the following:

Ability to add a description:


Ability to assign as per conditions:


Onsite doesn't allow us to perform actions if SLA is breached. Helpdesks allows us to do so. Like notify Manager, set team "Escalations" and assign it to XYZ. last comment about: there's no condition if SLA is overdue for 2 hours

Canned Responses within helpdesks has the following:

Helpdesks canned responses have no keyword limit rate (Title):


Onsite Has keyword limit rate


Helpdesks allows you to select a title that will be replaced with current ticket title. Onsite doesn't allow that + Onsite Snippet doesn't allow special characters.

Helpdesks allows multiple/numerous placeholders while OS does not.


You can also add "Team Name" or "Community Portal Name" as per FD.

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